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South Africans can register to vote on these dates

Next year's polling will see independent candidates contesting for presidential positions

The IEC has set two voter registration weekends for citizens to partake in next year’s general elections.

IEC national spokesperson Kate Bapela confirmed 18 and 19 November 2023 as the first weekend for all South Africans to register to vote, while 17 and 18 February 2024 will be the final voter registration weekend.

In the wake of President Ramaphosa signing the new Electoral Amendment Bill, next year’s polling will see independent candidates contesting for presidential positions.

The Bill has drawn varying public views, with Ndabenhle Mlaba, a young political activist from Ngwelezana, vehemently saying the Bill will infringe on the individual’s constitutional right to freedom of association and political party choice.

During nationwide public hearings on the Electoral Amendment Bill at Ngwelezana community hall, Mlaba urged communities to join political parties and elect leaders of ‘integrity who will champion issues of the community from ground level to national’.

“What if an [independent] candidate is elected into a strategic position and dies suddenly? Who will be accountable, as we experience such incidents within parties?” asked Mlaba.

Meanwhile, both the ANC and DA welcomed the amendment of the Bill, however, the parties were concerned about the viability of its implementation.


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