Richards Bay Clean Air Association

Without doubt, the Richards Bay Clean Air Association has had a massive impact on industrial development and daily operations in what is now known as the City of uMhlathuze.

It has managed to successfully interact with industry – its partners – as well as the general community.

Indeed, one shudders to think what might have been the situation had the RBCAA not come into existence.

The balance between job creation through attracting industry, and protecting the public from potential danger is a fine one, and the two are not mutually exclusive.

The RBCAA has taken seriously its local role as guardian of the earth’s atmosphere: not anti-industry, but pro responsible development. It is there when Environmental Impact Assessments are in progress, adding its valuable scientific data to the pool of knowledge capital; fearlessly challenging potentially harmful outcomes; and advising on mitigatory measures so that industry can expand without compromising the man in the street.

The City’s inhabitants owe a huge, on-going debt to the Richards Bay Clean Air Association.

Its 20-year commitment has at times been the only safety net for the vulnerable public, living as we do in an industrial city which by that very nature poses risks.

Its positive role is worthy of the full support of the City, industry, Government and the public.

– Dave Savides

Who We Are

The Richards Bay Clean
Air Association (RBCAA),
is a Section 21 (not for
gain) Company, that was
established in 1997 as a result
of public concerns regarding
the levels of air pollution in
Richards Bay.

What We Do

The RBCAA monitors and
predicts air quality within the
uMhlathuze Municipal area
and makes recommendations
on air quality issues.

How To Become A Member

Any organisation which has
an interest in air quality may
apply to become a member of
the RBCAA.

The RBCAA has flourished in the past 20 years, and become an important part of our everyday life.

Membership is voluntary – nobody is forced to participate.

We have no legislative power; we cannot prescribe or punish; we cannot enforce our will or dictate practices to industry.

YET….. we have successfully forced big industry to continuously improve performance, proving that the RBCAA is not run by big business, but instead….. big business is held accountable.

What we have achieved is purely owing to the integrity and genuine pursuit of a better environment on the part of our members.

We are both beneficiary, and the steward, of a small corner of the Earth, and with that blessing comes responsibility.

The tried and tested formula, and long term success of the RBCAA is a testament to the fact that integrated air quality management is not limited to the local government and authorities , but to NGOs, major industry, and all other Interested and Affected Parties.



Sandy Camminga

035 786 0076

083 515 2384

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