THIS newspaper has of late carried a number of articles describing how lives were lost through horrific vehicle accidents.
Our hearts go out to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones.
One would hope that driving past these accidents and reading about them would encourage safer driving.
However, heartache headlines and graphic photographs of crash scenes – along with the regular safe driving campaigns from traffic authorities – appear to make little difference to the mindsets of many of our road users.
It is almost without exception that drivers are to blame for these terrible deaths that bring so much hurt to families and communities.
Whether it be road rage or the fact many drivers are unlicenced, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or simply impatient and irresponsible, the outcome is the same.
In addition to the fatalities, countless survivors are left with severe injuries, loss of limbs or even paralysis.
Not only does this have emotional, psychological and physical impact, it also has extreme financial implications.
The emotional trauma is also transferred to those unsung heroes who must attend bloody accident scenes: traffic officials, emergency services personnel and police, the latter who have the added burden of having to inform the families of victims.
Fortunately, this region is blessed with a number of organisations and medical professionals who are able to assist with emotional healing after traumatic incidents.
Our large corporates also assist in terms of employee wellness and referrals, while the likes of LifeLine Zululand offer round-the-clock counselling services.
Statistics have shown we are approaching the worst time of the year in terms of accident fatalities.
Ultimately, road safety is a personal responsibility.
Please, dear readers, drive with care and consideration.
Drive defensively and attentively.
Obey the rules. Drive safely. Stay alive.