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Tebogo Mosweu grooms Stem wizards

Businesswoman Tebogo Mosweu takes township children under her wing to groom them for Stem subjects at an early age.

Tebogo Mosweu is a super busy woman with her hands on deck running the Ditebogo Gifts container shop, but she still manages to juggle her time for her other love – the township’s children.

Besides running Ditebogo Gifts, Mosweu still finds time in between to attend a nursery of more than 10 aftercare children that she is grooming to become Stem wizards [science, technology, engineering and maths] from the family home.

“I had this love since 2022 to groom our family children at an early age in Stem subjects and when neighbours noticed what I was doing, they requested to bring their children too to the classes. This triggered an opportunity for me to open up the classes to all interested community children and the numbers are growing,” Mosweu said.

Alex businesswoman Tebogo Mosweu of Ditebogo Gifts grooms young Stem wizards in the township. Photo: Sipho Siso

Mosweu believes that for children to understand the so-called tough Stem subjects, they should start grappling with them at a young age rather than later. “In this way, we can ensure that they grow up with these subjects to better understand them.”

She said her Stem programme has seven pillars, which cover heritage and history, literature, arts, culture, Stem subjects, mental health and financial literacy. All these pillars are the foundation our children need to develop an understanding and appreciation of Stem subjects and in that way, they will find it easier to grapple with the subjects as they grow up.

Mosweu described Stem subjects as the cornerstone of a modern economy and that they will remain a part of humanity for many years to come.

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