Isaanc Mbilini, an inmate at Leeuwkop prison writes about the brutality in South Asrica
Dear Brutality,
Brutality is an act of cruelty without mercy, yet everyday we witness incidents of it.
There are so many casualties under your name, those who survived your cruelty and lived to tell of your ill-mannered acts, and those senseless tragedies of families of deceased members.
Sadness and pain is written on too many faces.
The reason for this is your brutality. The dark cloud you are, you ripped them of their loved ones.
Brutality, many of your victims are known, but many remain anonymous. When we talk of you, we remember the likes of Andries Tatane who died during a service delivery protest, Mido Macia, who was dragged behind a police vehicle and the miners of Marikana. These untimely deaths will be remembered by those who loved and cherished them.
Many lives have been troubled and need closure and answers, all because of your brutality. You are an arrow that pierces the tears of the widows and orphans of our country.
You have done so much damage in our lives. Even those who are supposed to protect and serve us are acting in your name.
Tragic events unfold daily in our lives and they are all motivated by you. You are a national outcry, its time you became eradicated. There should be no place for brutality in our lives.