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Outa welcomes new minister

Opposition to Urban Tolling Association (OUTA) hopes the new Minister of Transport will scratch e-tolls in Gauteng roads.

OUTA’s chairman, Mr Wayne Duvenage, said that the current e-tolls plan does not have the required support of the society for it to succeed.

“OUTA believes it is not too late to halt the current e-toll plans for Gauteng and thereby seek a solution to the challenges of road funding which will be in the best interests of citizens, business and the country as a whole. We trust that Minister Dipuo Peters will have the principles of efficiency and ‘best outcomes for society’ on her agenda, in which case, we also hope to see a possible change of heart and a new strategy in relation to the e-tolls matter,” Mr Duvenage said.

He added that he hopes Minister Peters will have longer time in this portfolio than her predecessor, Minister Ben Martins.

“We note that Minister Martins held the reigns of the transport portfolio for a brief year. This is not long enough for any person to come to grips with a portfolio of such magnitude and challenges. We wish Minister Martins every success in his new role and trust that Minister Peters will be allowed enough time in this post to overcome the many challenges within, which require strong leadership and time to engage with the numerous role players and industries that will work alongside her in building and supporting the Ministry of Transport,” said Mr Duvenage.

Minister Peters was announced as the minister of Transport on Tuesday last week when President Jacob Zuma announced his cabinet reshuffle.

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