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Disputed development plan in Illondale needs more objections submitted

“I can’t do this alone, I can support, advise and guide residents but ultimately this fight belongs to them.”

After having gone to tribunal on May 9, community members and Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart hope to stop a development planned to be built behind Illiondale.

The township development in question will see 3000 units constructed between the P91, Sebenza and Illiondale and at least 1000 additional vehicles travelling through Illiondale.

Despite the community being urged to lodge objections in opposition to the development, only 25 were submitted.

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Hart said although 25 objections were submitted, only 19 were deemed valid by the tribunal.

Community members and Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart hope to stop a development planned to be built behind Illiondale. Here is Hart at the end of Crawford Road where one of the entrances to the planned development will be located.

“Some were rejected because they were submitted outside of the stipulated time frame while others did not provide ‘substantial’ reason.”

Hart said notice was given to valid objectors in addition to new residents who had moved into the area and weren’t aware of the development.

She said they were permitted to apply for intervenor status at the tribunal.

While speaking at the tribunal Hart raised several points calling for a postponement.

These included:

• A lack of site visits by the tribunal, applicants and objectors.

According to Hart, this compromises the objector’s rights to a fair hearing and a lack of understanding of concerns on the selected property.

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• An option of hosting a virtual tribunal.

Hart said although this became the norm during the Covid-19 lockdown, it intimidates or inhibits some objectors.

• The discovery that eight objectors had not been invited.

She said despite sending objections to the correct email address several objectors were not invited.

• Application for intervenors status.

Hart said at the time of the time of tribunal she had still not been advised on the correct procedure to apply for intervenor status and that several new residents needed to apply for the necessary status

In light of these points, it was decided that the Tribunal be postponed to June 7.

Despite the small reprieve Hart called on the community to speak out and get involved in objecting to this development.

“The tribunal needs to see a united front and that the community sticks together,” said Hart.

She said if the development gets the green light Illiondale’s beloved peace, quiet and local green spaces might be destroyed.

“We need to save the tranquillity, peace and beauty of Illiondale,” said Hart.

Set to have two entrances, one on Crawford Road, the southern side where 2000 units will be located, and the second will emerge from ERF460, the northern side where 1000 units are set to be built.

Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart believes that if the development gets the green light then Illiondale’s beloved peace, quiet and local green spaces might be destroyed.

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Hart said for residents to take the fight between R50 000 and R80 000 needs to be raised for legal representation.
The funds need to be raised by the end of May so that the legal council can be briefed before the tribunal.

“Although the residents have been dragged into this by no fault of their own, initially buying in a quiet suburb, the development is here.

“I can’t do this alone, I can support, advise and guide residents but ultimately this fight belongs to them. It’s going to be a David versus Goliath battle,” she added.

In the hopes of gathering and to communicate with as many residents as possible, Hart has created a WhatsApp group.

Email Hart at Heather.Hart@ekurhuleni.gov.za for more information about the group.

Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart believes that if the development gets the green light then Illiondale’s beloved peace, quiet and local green spaces might be destroyed.
Community members and Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart hope to stop a development planned to be built behind Illiondale. Here is Hart at the end of Crawford Road where one of the entrances to the planned development will be located.

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