I am beyond disappointed that, to date, still nothing has been done about the matter.
Off the corner of Peter Avenue and Glen Road in Highway Gardens, someone in the neighbourhood dumped building rubble and subsequently the grass and weeds have grown over it.
This is a growing eye-sore, one that could cause a serious hazard as people can and have in the past, hidden in the bushes.
It also seems to encourage people to throw more litter and refuse in the long grass.
I sent my original e-mail to Clr Gersbach on September 11, 2012 and was promised over and over that an inspector was coming out to investigate.
From then I was copied in on all e-mails between solid waste, the municipality and any other person who might have some, or lack thereof, influence in the matter.
Each person passed the responsibility to the next.
During the festive season I was assured that my complaint was sent to the correct people that were supposed to sort the matter out and yet eight whole months down the line, still no action.
COMMENT – Ward 92 councillor, Clr Graham Gersbach commented as follows:
The city power servitude through Highway Gardens presents me with multiple problems which are exacerbated by the multiple number of departments both within Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg that get involved and I would therefore like to do a breakdown of who I believe must address the problems that have been raised.
The illegal dumping on the pavement of the house referred to is the responsibility of both solid waste and environmental health in Ekurhuleni.
Germiston solid waste depot was responsible for this at one time and I had Ms Paula Mfuleni’s commitment last year to address this specific problem and then solid waste in Edenvale took over the matter.
Mr Leonard Sinyegwe has been communicating with just about every official that one could think of, to address the issue.
The maintenance of residential suburban pavements has been delegated by parks department to the residents themselves.
We see many properties along servitudes that are not being maintained, taking the easy way out and not maintaining their own pavements.
The resident must take some responsibility despite City Power not taking responsibility for its servitude.
Johannesburg City Power has conveniently delegated responsibility for maintenance of the servitude to the Johannesburg Parks Department.
There is a simple solution.
All open spaces over which there are servitudes should have planned maintenance programmes in place.
The most frustrating thing is that residents and councillors are being ignored and no officials are taking responsibility for council property.