Saving cats in Benoni
Cat Village is a rescue centre for stray cats, run by local resident Irma Teller.

She began taking in abused, neglected and ill cats and caring for them nine years ago.
“I wish to give the poorest of the poor a little place in heaven,” said Teller.
The cats have dry food 24/7 and every morning each cat receives a bowl of warm, soft food.
She currently has over 1 250 cats on the premises, and a few dogs, chickens and ducks, too.
On the plot, over 200 wooden houses, which are made cosy and warm, with dry grass and blankets inside, have been built for the cats.
“Every single cat is special,” Teller says.
She gives a special thank you to doctor Jessie Coleman, a Rynfield vet, who always treats the ill and injured animals.
“The village would not have been what it is without him,” she adds.
Teller has four workers helping her on the premises and the cats are not available for adoption.
If you would like to make a donation to Cat Village, contact Teller on 082 744 5300.