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You could be the bride of the month
Local brides, who were married in June 2013, can now enter for the June Bride of the Month competition.
Photographs can be emailed to benonicitytimes@caxton.co.za, with the subject “Bride of the Year”.
Only the bride must be in the photograph.
The picture must be a jpeg attachment of no less than 500KB (or bigger than 4MG).
Incorrect entries will not be accepted.
The entries are open only to brides who were married in June 2013.
The following details must be submitted along with the photograph: the bride’s name and maiden name, the groom’s name and surname, date and venue of wedding, current residential address and the bride’s contact details.
The monthly winner will have to provide proof of her wedding date (marriage certificate).
The closing date for June brides to enter is July 30.
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