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#ACommunityUnited #Covid-19: St Dunstan’s Pre-School tackles at-home learning with their own interactive website

Although this website was supposed to be introduced at the start of 2021, the launch date was brought forward in order to address the Covid-19 school closures.

With all the angst everyone is feeling around Covid-19, St Dunstan’s Pre-School is trying to make the best of the situation by encouraging not only their learners, but the Benoni community as a whole to use their interactive learning website while at home.

The website was originally designed for the St Dunstan’s parents, who were requesting play-based activities to do with their little ones at home.


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Recreating a pre-school learning environment away from paper-based tasks is a near impossible challenge for many working parents.

With this in mind, St Dunstan’s Pre-School gathered resources from many open websites and combined them to form the basis of their internal website.

Along with video clips and challenges from their staff, the website is intended to allow for interactive learning.

Parents have been invited to submit videos and photographs of them participating in the activities, and these are then posted to the website.

Activities are updated on a regular basis and they hope to afford the viewers learning opportunities across the curriculum.

“Covid-19, having been declared a national disaster, has brought our first term to an abrupt halt. Our country as a whole is reeling from the news and we have been unable to celebrate special days such as Easter, enjoy outings or even say goodbye properly to each other,” said Abigail Smulders, the pre-school principal.

“It is all moving incredibly quickly and at times I’m sure we are all feeling overwhelmed. In these moments we would like to assure you that although our doors have been closed, we are still here and we continue to support your children and your families.”

It was with this message in mind that Smulders decided to open up the website to the greater community to assist parents from all walks of life.

“It is our hope that this will bring us all closer together as a community as we face the Covid-19 pandemic. We are not alone #ACommunityUnited.”

Here is the link to the website:



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