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Gardens gardener sowing seeds for success

“Plants withstand all nature’s elements and still grow, if they can do it so can I.”

Speaking to nature and tending to her beauty may have been a childhood escape for JP Larsson, but he now has all the tools to turn his passion into a business.

Growing up in Farrarmere Gardens, the 34-year-old could always be found outside.

“My biological father said women work in the house while men work outside. Being out in the garden was my haven,” he said.

“I would spend hours looking at the plants, flowers and trees. It felt like mother-nature bloomed more abundantly the more attention I gave it.”

JP Larsson of Farrarmere Gardens says nature’s beauty keeps him rooted in his faith.

Sitting in his adoptive parents’ garden, brightly coloured shrubs dance in the breeze while the towering pine trees seem to whisper with joy at his presence.

Bursting with excitement, JP beams as he talks about his new business venture and the three clients who have entrusted their gardens to his green fingers.

“Eight years ago I started a garden service, but my endeavour was short lived because my equipment was old and constantly breaking,” he said.

“I was letting my clients down, my lawnmower was beyond repair and I had to accept my fate. To sate my hunger for gardening, I busied myself in my mommy’s garden but I felt empty and lost.”

JP’s vigour was reignited at the end of June when local do-gooder Gregg Mitchley, founder of the Gregg Mitchley Foundation (GMF), surprised him with all the gardening implements needed to establish a flourishing business.

“I love supporting people who have a dream. JP is hardworking and sincere. It was, therefore, the greatest privilege to assist him in getting started,” said Gregg.

“Through the generous donation by NGL Africa Logistics Management Services, in Germiston, he has all the tools of the trade, including a lawnmower.”

“The lawnmower is like a Ferrari,” said JP chuckling with delight.

“I now have everything I need to transform gardens into a beautiful urban oasis. With some effort, I might even be able to rustle up enough clients which would allow me to create employment for another.”

Glancing at beds filled with irises, JP said that gardening is about appreciating the hand of God.

“Plants thrive when they are loved and nurtured. They do need healthy ground, but I find that they appreciate communication,” he said.

“I play and sing along to gospel and country music when I am working. Praise and worship seem to encourage the plants to grow lush and the flowers to bloom in magnificent colours.

“I believe that the love in my heart has the power to spread joy through my actions.”

Gregg Mitchley, founder of the Gregg Mitchley Foundation (GMF), recently surprised JP Larsson, with all the tools he needs to start a flourishing garden service business. The donation was made possible by NGL Africa Logistics Management Services, Germiston.

With his tools meticulously packed, JP is currently in the process of building a sturdy cart, which he hopes to attach to his bicycle.

“Gregg and NGL also supplied the necessary parts to complete the cart. At this stage I am drawing it by hand as I am battling to make a hook for my bike,” he said.

“I hope that someone with some technical know-how could guide or assist me. Once I can securely attach it to my wheels I could get to my clients quicker.”

Contact JP on 081 309 0234 if you can help.

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