#MandelaDay: Learners take ownership of their school
The learners at William Hills Secondary dedicated their 67 minutes to cleaning the school grounds.
Members of the Actonville Community Alumni and learners at William Hills Secondary School cleaned their school to celebrate Mandela Day on July 18.
The learners flanked the school and collected litter while tending to the general cleanliness of the grounds.
While the learners hurried through the corridors in a race to see who could collect the most rubbish, others entered the art competition, which saw the winning entrants paint their work on the sides of donated rubbish bins.
“We are proud of our learners’ commitment in dedicating their 67 minutes to their place of learning,” said teacher Soaad Bham.
“We want our pupils to realise the importance of not only attaining academic results but taking ownership of their school by making it a safe and conducive place of learning.”
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