
Forfeit Thee Untrue continues to make waves

Changes did not break them.

Forfeit Thee Untrue band underwent a number of changes since their last article with The City Times, but one thing was sure for the band, it was not going to throw in the towel.

Band members Craig Palmer (Farrarmere), Mitch Pearson (Northmead) and most recently (April 2018), FTU’s newest member, Kenny Smith (Pretoria) are in the process of writing their second full-length (sophomore) album to be released through Rottweiler Records.


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The band was formed in 2006 with only two members, Palmer and Sean Towsen who wanted to play great music.

In 2011, the duo realised great music needs a great lead singer and then brought on board a lead vocalist, Gideon Karsten to make some heavy metal music.

“The band didn’t start out as being “Christian” or even metal – it was just rock,” Palmer explained.

“Although this may sound corny or cliché, Forfeit Thee Untrue is now God’s band, our lives are for His glory.

“I remember thinking and feeling that I wanted FTU to be like that for South Africa – we need to make heavy music with a positive message.”

Shortly after Karsten, Pearson joined the band and the four-piece seemed complete after they started rocking out at their first gig in2013.

But sadness hit the group when the co-founder, Towsen had to step down due to personal responsibilities.

Down but not out, the three set on a search high and low to find their fourth member, (kidding, Eckard van Tonder was already a fan of the band.)

The band then successfully signed to international record label, Rottweiler Records.

But due to personal responsibilities, Karsten and van Tonder had to drop out of the band.

“We are all still friends until today,” Palmer said.

But Palmer (drums and percussion) and Pearson (guitar and vocals) still needed a lead vocalist and this is when their latest addition, Smith joined the band.

“It was never a question of throwing in the towel or disbanding,” Palmer explained.

“It was never a question of should we carry on? It was a question of, what do we do now or how do we do it?

“Either way, FTU would carry on.”

Together, Pearson and Palmer continued writing lyrics for their upcoming album.

“We had faith in God and His plan for FTU: That it wasn’t over,” he explained.

In 2018, the duo made contact with Smith and in mid-April 2018 he joined FTU officially, which was announced later in May.

“Now a three-piece band, we are extremely excited and optimistic about the future of the band and ministry and cannot wait to see what God does next,” Palmer said.

The band is still signed to Rottweiler Records (based in Indiana, USA) and hope to get back out in the live music scene by the end of the year.

“When it comes to “plans” we usually just keep writing, making and playing music and wait to see what God has up His sleeve for us,” Palmer said.

According to Palmer, the broader category for their music can be classified as Christian metal; however, they like to combine different elements of metalcore, deathcore and even hard rock/nu-metal.

“We don’t like to be classified into one genre or even subgenre,” Palmer explained.

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