Let mirrors reflect your personality in your home

A mirror is so much more than just a practical necessity in a bedroom or bathroom. While being able to see yourself is definitely helpful as you get ready for the day, mirrors can also serve a very useful decorative function.

Let mirrors reflect your personality in your home
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Magic in any room

The evil queen of fairy-tale Snow White was a strong believer in the power of a magic mirror, and mirrors and optical mirror like portals have long played their part in stories from the silver screen to the small screen.

The flat reflective items do have a certain magic about them, creating an optical illusion of space and meaning light is reflected which can help a dark space seem much brighter.

Both framed and frame-less mirrors are available to suit any space and can range from the ornate and antique-looking to the ultra modern. If you have a small bathroom with limited wall space, consider a collection of smaller mirrors for a bohemian and eclectic feel.

If you have large walls that stare blankly out at you begging to be given some inspiring touch, then consider a large over-sized mirror.

Both options are readily available at most home decor stores, large mass retailers, and bathroom outfitters. Framing stores and art galleries can even create a bespoke large framed mirror for you depending on your budget and need.


Few places lend themselves to the fusing of form and function of mirrors better than in the bathroom. From large single mirrors with an ornamental frame to a glittering collection of frame-less mirrors, or even a wall covered in mirror tiles. All the uses of mirrors can add much-needed interest and a sense of space into what is otherwise a stark and almost sterile environment.

Well placed use of these magic portals to personal preening can add a unique touch to your bathroom and create a focal point to create interest or hide a multitude of sins, from stained grouting or the decorative tiles which seem to shout at you now, or an annoying patch of damp.


Ask your framer or hardware store for advice about the best way to mount your mirror, smaller mirrors can be hung using a variety of picture hanging options, but larger mirrors will need to be properly mounted. Never make the mistake of assuming double sided tape will suffice, broken mirrors are not only bad luck, apparently for seven years as superstition tells us, but can also be very dangerous.

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