
CPF chair aims to create a safer Umbilo

Ben Madokwe is positive about the future partnership between the community and the Umbilo police.

THE new Umbilo CPF chairman, Ben Madokwe, is confident the new executive committee is going to make a postitive change in the community.

Madokwe, who was elected as president at last week’s AGM, following three months as interim committee chair, expressed his sincere gratitude towards all members of the community for their dedication and valuable contribution in the fight against crime.

“I want to thank the community for their response to our AGM. Unity is strength, if we cannot unite against criminals, crime will never be defeated in our community. We, as the community of Umbilo, are partners in policing, that means we partner with our policemen and women to take the war on crime in our community to the next level. It has been proven by researchers worldwide that no police force can deal and succeed in the fight against crime without the assistance of its community or its people,” he said.

Madokwe said he felt the most important thing the CPF could do is to strengthen the partnership between the police of Umbilo SAPS and the community.

“Once that is achieved, there will be trust between the police and the community, which is very important in the fight against crime. My vision is for the CPF to mobilise towards a safe and peaceful Umbilo station area. How that is going to be achieved is through a partnership, as I have alluded. My take on this is that we need to create communication with important stakeholders of our community. I intend having stakeholders’ meetings with church leaders, schools, NGOs, businesses, community watches and security companies to find out how they want us, as the Umbilo CPF, to deal with the issue of crime,” said Madokwe.

Madokwe said one of the most important things in any organisation is to have highly motivated people so that they are able to do their work efficiently and effectively.

“The CPF of Umbilo, working with SAPS management of Umbilo station, need to encourage good service to be a priority of every policeman and woman working at the station. On 29 June we had a crime summit for the first time in Umbilo where we had a good response and as the chairperson, I would like to make this event an annual event of Umbilo CPF. Lets all mobilise towards a safe and peaceful Umbilo station area,” he said.

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