
Beachfront rentals on track, says city

The city is signing up leases to the vacant beachfront premises in the hopes they will be operational before the festive season

THE vacant beachfront premises which have stirred up some controversy because the city has delayed in leasing them will be operational before the festive season. That’s the latest from eThekwini Municpality who said in a media statement this week that contrary to recent media reports the Municipality was on track with the lease of the beachfront premises.

Following delays in the leasing of the premises earlier due to difficulties with the use of the tender process, which is geared towards acquisition management not disposal management, the Council adopted the Tenanting Policy Document in respect of the Beachfront Premises on 29 May 2013.

The various beachfront premises were thereafter advertised. The municipality received a total of 244 Registrations of Interest in respect of the properties advertised. All registered parties were given the opportunity to view the premises and provided with an explanation of the council’s tenanting policy. The city closed offers in respect of 10 of the premises on 19 July 2013, on which date 82 offers across the 10 properties had been received.

These offers have been checked from a rental compliance perspective and the evaluation panel is currently assessing the offers against the evaluation criteria set out in the policy. It is intended the city will be in a position to sign up leases by the end of August 2013. It is expected that all 10 of the premises will be leased as a result of this process and that all will be operational ahead of the Festive Season.

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