Find out which grades are allowed back to school and when
Kwazi Mshengu, MEC for Education, said that schools are expected to operate at 50 per cent capacity to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Despite a couple of cancellations from service providers, Kwazi Mshengu, MEC for Education has ensured that all children will go home with two sets of masks on Monday.
Speaking at the eThekwini Disaster Centre, Mshengu unveiled the department’s plan of how they will phase in learners back to school since the country revised its security threat to Level 2.
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On Monday and Tuesday strictly Grades; R, 1, 6,10 and 11 will be allowed back on school campuses.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Grades; 2, 5, 8 and 9.
On Friday, Grades; 4, 3, 10 and 11.
“The following week, the schools will then have acclimatised and will follow their own differentiated timetable,” said Mshengu.
To keep social distancing in place, Mshengu said all schools will be operating at 50 per cent capacity with alternating grades.
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Last week, Mshengu submitted at the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature that 5979 teachers with comorbidities had applied for concessions from returning back to class and continue working from home.
Mshengu said 4475 of these teachers do meet the requirements for the concessions.
“There’s a collective agreement between employers and unions which defines the categories of teachers who should qualify for concession. It lists the illnesses that make one to be more at risk to Covid-19,” he said.
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