
EMPD gets drugs, illegal gun off the streets

Officers arrested a man and seized an unlicensed firearm and ammunition after multiple complaints from community members about a troublemaker.

The EMPD Drug Enforcement Unit officers had these recent successes:

• On the morning of December 6, following up on information from a reliable source about an undocumented male masquerading as a pawn shop owner but actually trading in illicit substances, officers visited the business on Commissioner Street.
They found a man (38) with 12 ziplock bags of crystal meth valued at R1 800 and R250 in cash. He was arrested and failed to produce official documentation allowing him to be in SA legally.

• While transporting this suspect to the police station, officers noticed a suspicious woman loitering near the Market and Loop streets intersection. They did a body search on the 20-year-old woman and found two knotted plastic bags containing crystal meth valued at R2 000 and arrested her.

• On December 8 at about 13:00, officers arrested a couple and confiscated drugs from them after acting on a tip-off from concerned community members about the pair selling drugs in a block of flats.
Officers raided the building on Commissioner Street and found the pair, 26 and 46, on the premises with 12 large ziplock bags of khat and two large clear plastic bags of crystal meth valued at R10 000. They also had R920 in cash. Officers arrested them.

EMPD Community Liaison Unit arrest
On December 8 at about 09:00, officers arrested a male (28) and seized an unlicenced firearm and ammunition after multiple complaints from community members about this troublemaker.

He allegedly steals from poor people, brandishes a firearm in public and even fires shots randomly, especially in the Mabuya Section.
Officers visited his residence on Tlou Street, but he was not home, so they moved on to his hideout on Bierman Street.
When he saw the officers, the suspect tried to flee but was cornered and arrested.
He was in possession of a black holstered 9mm pistol and two live rounds.
Information: EMPD media liaison officer Constable Deliwe Ndlovu.

Also Read: EMPD officers caught between a rock and a hard place


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