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Soup kitchen feeds many

The beneficiaries are grateful for the food that they received.

A Witfield resident, with the assistance of local organisations and companies, is making a difference in the lives of those in need through soup kitchens.

Anché Moore’s latest successful soup kitchen was on Main Reef Road on September 15, where she fed about 1 500 needy people.

The initiative was made possible with the help of Urban Ruins NPO, The Humanity Foundation, Alcra Rescue Legendary Guardians Exclusive Protection, Pool Pond Spa, Restaurant at Emperors (Anon), GP Wholesale Fuels and Rockwell Branding Solutions.

Residents stood in long lines to get items like a mealie meal, bread and cold drink. They also handed out sanitary products.

Moore said the project goal was to assist people in the community.

Back: Clayton Viljoen (Urban Ruins), Anché Moore, Leticia Festraets (Legendary Guardians Exclusive Protection) and Pierre Marneweck (The Humanity Foundation). Front: Tristan Hendricks from Urban Ruins.

The resident explained the project started a few weeks ago after the NPO Urban Ruins approached regarding a soup donation.

“Urban Ruins contacted me about the donation because I have been assisting people with food parcels for about three years. I did, however, not have enough space to store the soup, so we decided to do a soup kitchen in Boksburg North.

“It was heartbreaking to see how many people of Boksburg are in need.”

Moore expressed her gratitude towards those who contributed to the success of the food drive.

One beneficiary, Dumakude Skhosana, said he is grateful for the heartfelt initiative.

Some of beneficiaries of the soup kitchen, Buhle Mashaz, Smith Matemani and Dumakude Skhosana.

“We appreciate what they are doing, and it was nice to receive a delicious meal,” he said.

Moore appealed to businesses and other stakeholders to become involved.

“Our goal is to get a place where we can do it weekly,” Moore said.

If you want to become a volunteer or sponsor, email anchemoore@gmail.com

Also Read: Meatless Monday – Roasted cauliflower and chickpea soup

Also Read: Help NPO to keep its soup kitchen going

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