
WATCH: Boksburg’s Uncle Steve completes 250th parkrun

At the age of 84, Steve completed his 250th parkrun in under 50 minutes.

Running the trail at the Boksburg parkrun is a familiar stomping ground for Stephen de Bod, but as his feet hit the asphalt 100m before the finish line, his name echoed as runners lined the path to cheer him on.

On November 18, the veteran athlete and former Boksburg Athletic Club (BAC) track coach completed his 250th parkrun, which amounts to 1 250km.

Seen here with Steve de Bod are (back) David de Bod (son), John Passmore, Massimo Barresi (Boksburg parkrun) and Italo Moranduzzo. Front: Frank da Ascencao and Himat Rama.

Flanked by BAC members, family and friends, 84-year-old ‘Uncle Steve’, as he is affectionately known, completed the run with a sub 50, merely six weeks after being discharged from hospital following a health setback.
With his cane in hand and clearly emotional, he embraced his wife Marle celebrating this feat, which doctors thought would be impossible.

Stephen de Bod nearing the finish line of his 250th parkrun at the Boksburg City Stadium. Photo Frans Gerber

“I did it!” he said shaking hands and accepting hugs from those who supported him.
“This is grace which would not have been possible without the support of so many amazing people.”

Shying away from the limelight, Steve was one of the founding members of the club in 1975 and was instrumental in establishing the club’s weekly time trials.
With more than four decades of running science knowledge and experience, Steve’s running shoes have run great distances and helped him cross the Comrades Marathon finish line twice.

In 1970 he completed the ultimate human race, the Comrades Marathon, in just over nine hours.
He returned the following year, claiming silver with a finish of 7:29.

The De Bod family were present to support Steve.

On the parkrun circuit, Steve is a regular volunteer, not only marshalling but encouraging participants as they pass.
“Steve is the embodiment of passion,” said Brenda Steenkamp, member of the parkrun organising committee.
“He thrives on seeing others attain their goals or progressively become stronger runners. To date, he has marshalled 113 runs.”

With an endearing love for sport especially long-distance running, Steve said he will continue to support and encourage local runners for as long as his body allows.

Also Read: Boksburg parkrun is all about fun

Tanna de Bod (granddaughter) and her partner Brad Cohoe ran along the family’s matriarch.
Stephen de Bod with Brenda Steenkamp, a member of the Boksburg parkrun organisers.


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