Five ways to recharge your mental health
Don’t let life’s pressures and the end-of-year stress get to you with these tips to boost your mental wellbeing.
If the end-of-year fatigue is getting to you, now is the time to invest in recharging your mental wellbeing so that you can finish the year on a high note, instead of suffering from burn out. Skin care brand, Clere, share some of tips to help you give your mind a boost:
- Make a “praise-me” list: If you’re feeling overwhelmed and think you can’t keep up or are not doing enough, it’s time to show yourself how much you’ve achieved. Take 5 minutes to write a short list of your recent accomplishments and you’ll be surprised how much you’ve actually ticked off. Use this positive energy to tackle your to-do list.
- Don’t forget to have fun: Setting aside some time to do something you enjoy is crucial for your mental health. Be it going away for the weekend, having a braai with friends or just going out for a quick drink – make sure your schedule is not all work and no play.
- Stay in a positive space: We all have certain people or situations in life that leave you feeling heavy and bring you down. Take a break from any negative feelings. This could mean putting certain relationships on hold until you have the energy to deal with them. Surround yourself with good people who radiate good energy.
- Let it go: Holding on to mistakes you’ve made and things that went wrong in the past is not going to give you anything positive for the future. Let go of the negative emotions and focus on what you can do today, instead of what you may have done wrong yesterday.
- Put your phone away: Scrolling through social media and seeing everyone pretending to be “living their best lives” is not helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Take time out from technology and the expectations you feel you need to live up to on social media. Hit the pause button and live in the moment.