Samantha Morgan (Top Matric 2022 Achiever)

Matric was quite the year! I thought that I was fully prepared for the school year of 2022, but the year came with many challenges that I did not expect. The amount of work that had to be done, assignments, tests, exams, practicals and lots of portfolio work.

Part of that meant having to sacrifice some of my free time and put more effort into studying and completing all my work. As head girl, my leadership duties and school work and I was able to manage both. I had teachers who worked hard making sure that I understood my schoolwork and who guided me to make the year a little easier.

I was raised by a mother who wanted nothing but the best from me and always pushed me to work harder each term, and all of that paid off. I got 5 distinctions in my matric.

I plan on studying in Tulsa Oklahoma, in a university called Oral Roberts University. My marks qualify me to receive a scholarship for my studies. My dream is to not only work in the corporate world, but start a business of my own. I want to start a youth center for musically gifted children to have their gifts recognized and trained as I am also passionate about music.

I would like to encourage the Matrics of 2023 by saying that hard work pays off! Prioritize and manage your time so that you are able to study hard and also have some time to relax and rest. You are running the last lap of this 12-year race, run at full speed and finish your last stretch with the best possible results! The prize at the end of the journey is greater than the journey itself and will be worth all the dedication.

100% pass rate from our Matric Class of 2022.

Calvary Management, Teachers and Staff are extremely proud of you and wish you all of the best in your future endeavours.
Congratulations and well done!

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