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Crawford learners relive their favourite books

World Book Day sparks student imagination in the pages of their favourite authors.

World Book Day is a much-awaited annual event that is celebrated with great enthusiasm in schools across the world, according to Tasneem Evans from Crawford International Fourways.

She said this is a day that is dedicated to encouraging reading and promoting literacy among students of all ages.

This event, which is observed every year on April 23, seeks to celebrate the joy of reading and the immense power that books hold in shaping our lives.

Read more: Caxton Cares joins the reading revolution with #readbecause on World Book Day: What we have to say

That is the same reason the school has marked this day as an important day on their academic calendar as it brings students and teachers together to celebrate their favourite books and authors.

This year, the school’s primary years coordinator, Tracey Hutcheson, organised the festivities of the day. The school was filled with delightful book characters.

Jesse Sheobalak who is in pre-primary is dressed as a lion from his favourite book, The Little Book of Safari Animal Sounds.
Jesse Sheobalak who is in pre-primary is dressed as a lion from his favourite book, The Little Book of Safari Animal Sounds.

Hutcheson said, “The students, teachers and parents dressed as their favourite book character. In the middle of the day, students also had the opportunity to stop-drop and read their chosen book, which added an extra element of fun.

Also read: Kings College little ones enlightened on book day

“We engaged with our parents and invited them to campus to read to the students. This was a highlight for the day. The event received glowing feedback and we all thoroughly enjoyed our day! It is a day at our school filled with celebration, education, and inspiration. It reminds us of the power of storytelling and the magic of books to transport us to new worlds and expand our minds. It is a day that brings our school community together and ignites a passion for reading that will hopefully stay with our students for years to come.”

The school’s principal, Shivani Sahadeo, left the learners with her favourite touching quote by Dr Seuss, an American author and cartoonist who says, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Related article: Book characters take over Crawford International Fourways for World Book Day

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