
Corona Chronicles: Lockdown eating habits

Community member Tracy Schloesser is taking stock of the food supplies during lockdown in today’s edition of her witty series, the Corona Chronicles,

– Opinion –

Now that lockdown has been extended, I am starting to take stock of the food supplies for the inmates and how often I have to keep on restocking.

I am beginning to think that there are an extra three people hidden in my spare-room cupboard that I am secretly feeding! If I had known before lockdown what I know now, I would have gone straight to Makro and bought things like Fruit Loops by the case load and not just in single silly little boxes. What was I thinking! I have watched DP (Daughter Person) take a box of Fruit Loops, throw in a dash of milk and eat it in one go. SP (Son Person) is the same with his rusks. I think his latest achievement is something like six rusks to one cup of tea. And I ask you with tears in my little hazel eyes – what is the sudden craving with jelly? The offspring of my loins haven’t bothered with it since they were cute little toddler-type of people, and now they simply have to have it. Like they might possibly implode if they don’t! It’s like someone told them they are never going to be able to ever buy it again in this lifetime. Clearly other households are having similar jelly wars, because the flavour choices yesterday were limited. On the plus side though, we still have loads and loads of toilet paper. Clearly it’s no longer a goal for my family members to see who can use the most blocks in one sitting!

Another positive was that yeast was back in stock yesterday, but still no bread flour. But I did manage yesterday to get some Turpentine through the till, which never made it home in last week’s shop. It’s quite a funny thing that – I had put it in my trolley but it seemed to ‘disappear’ at the till without the cashier saying anything so I thought it must be considered contraband. But yesterday it went through without a hitch, so now I am thinking that perchance I may have accidentally put it in someone else’s trolley last week and some poor person arrived home wondering why he suddenly needed Turps to wash down his three packets of Marie biscuits!

So I guess I won’t be making ciabatta this weekend, but there is a strong possibility that I might need to start investigating some homemade brewing recipes. Anyone out there have any? Asking for a friend.

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