
Primrose police hold Imbizo to address crimes in the informal settlements

Primrose SAPS station commander Col Albertina Vesi meets with the community to address crime trends in the area.

Primrose police continue to struggle with a number of crimes within the informal settlements in Primrose.

These crimes include domestic violence, murder, rape, and assault.

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To address these crimes and other issues, such as loud music blaring from the informal settlements, the illegal sale of alcohol and a large number of missing person cases being reported, Primrose SAPS station commander Col Albertina Vesi held an Imbizo in the Makause informal settlement last Sunday.

Vesi spoke to the community and urged them to communicate and build a relationship with their local police.

She further condemned the blocking of roads and attacks on police and emergency services personnel who enter the informal settlement to help the community.

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“When these vehicles and their occupants are attacked or held up in reaching their destination it is the people who suffer, as they are there to help the community,” Vesi said.

Ward 21 councillor France Ngomane also attended the Imbizo and encouraged the community to voice their concerns about service delivery in the right way and through the right channels and urged residents not to resort to violence.

Vesi and her management team plan on holding similar meetings with the community on a regular basis to improve the relationship between police and the community.

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