20 754 vaccinations administered in three days – MMC Nkosi
“While the 1 million mark is a great achievement, efforts are in place to get more people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.”

The City of Ekurhuleni recently reached a milestone of administering over a million Covid-19 vaccines to its residents.
This milestone was achieved during the Vooma Vaccination Weekend drive launched by President Cyril Ramaphosa on October 1 at DH Williams Hall in Katlehong.
CoE spokesperson Zweli Dlamini explained that the drive is a government-run programme aimed at accelerating the speed at which vaccines are administered to as many people in SA as possible before the start of the anticipated fourth wave of Covid-19.
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“In only three days between October 1-3, our health team administered 20 754 vaccines bringing the total number of vaccines administered to 1, 013 714 as of October 5,” said MMC for Health and Social Services Nomadozi Nkosi.
“We are happy to see that residents heeded the presidents call to get vaccinated during the drive.”
“While the 1 million mark is a great achievement, efforts are in place to get more people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity,” said Nkosi.
The MMC reminded residents to get their second dose to be fully vaccinated.
“Residents need not return to the same vaccination site but can visit a site convenient to them as they are already on the database.”
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Marietta Lombard (Editor) germistoncitynews@caxton.co.za, or (Journalists) Busi Vilakazi busiv@caxton.co.za