I am sure dogs all over the world wish they had a voice so their thoughts, no matter how unimportant to others, would be heard.
I wonder what they would say and often when I’m bored what accents they would have when they said whatever it is they wanted to say.
Well, sadly I cannot be the voice for all the dogs of the world but I can make my own voice heard, and I bet you’ll be surprised at what I have to say…
This week while watching my human parent log onto her Facebook profile for the 1 000th time that day, I was shocked to see that 90 per cent of the news feeds on her wall were connected to animal cruelty in some way.
Now I am all for spreading the word about animal cruelty but what struck me as odd were the people sharing the images.
These are people I have never known to play an active role in the fight against animal cruelty; most of whom have bought their pets from the very pet stores they claim to hate.
Maybe it’s just the opinion of a “silly animal” but doesn’t this behaviour completely defeat the point of the campaign?
Perhaps I am completely wrong and that the continued bombardment of these images, even from people not practicing the good mindset they continue to project on social media, will be enough to change a global mindset.
A saying as old as time “practice what you preach” seems lost on a modern society when people continue to post pictures they never seem to follow.
I suppose only time will tell the lasting affect these sort of images will have on the population at large but I for one will be taking a snooze the next time one of my human family go online, to spare myself the pain of seeing the endless images of fellow animals dying and the world not caring….