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Hijackers target Balfour area

Balfour SAPS have issued a warning that a syndicate of hijackers are targeting the area.

Following  several hijacking incidents that took place on the R51 and R23 in recent weeks, Balfour SAPS have cautioned members of the community.

In a statement police say that the hijackers usually park next to the respective roads from where they send distress signals (flashing their lights) to passing motorists.

Once the person stops to offer help, they are forced from their cars at gunpoint and taken into nearby bushes.

Balfour SAPS further warned hitch-hikers who are looking to get a ride from Themba Shozi Street near Grootvlei not to take up any offers from a group driving a red Honda.

According to police the drivers of this vehicle takes the hitchhikers to the nearest farm where they are forced to hand over all their valuable belongings before proceeding to assault the victims.



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