Heidelberg SAPS and LLM environmental health worked with various stakeholders including the Heidelberg Taxi Association, BAT, COGTA, Sedibeng Department of Environment Affairs, Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve and local CPFs cleanrf up the Heidelberg Taxi Rank on June 22.
Being a government and municipal mandate to ensure that the community stays in a clean and safe environment, waste management remains a big concern to the community.

With rapid growth and improvement of living standards contributing to the increase in quantity and complexity of solid waste, as well as people not in a habit to utilise the designated rubbish bins, are contributing to the decay of certain areas.
Ultimately, the community fails to recognise their role in waste management by not keeping the areas clean and not wanting to pay for service delivery to ensure that the town and living areas stay clean.

Stakeholders are appealing to the community to stop littering and use designated dustbins and refuse bags provided.
Not only does the rubbish and littered areas distract people from visiting areas but is a breeding ground for pests and sickness.