
By the way

Even a pat on the shoulder or a gentle squeeze of the hand may just be the very thing they were longing for.

It is said that as one gets older, time seems

to go by faster.

If that is true, then I must be pretty ancient

by now, because each year seems to fly by faster than the one before.

This past year has simply sped past and we once again find ourselves gearing up for Christmas.

For many people Christmas means either splurging on food and gifts if one is a consumer or watching the money come pouring in if one is in certain sectors of the commercial trade.

It’s strange how the excitement of Christmas seems to diminish as one gets older. Sure, it was really exciting as a child, with all the lights and glitter around the Christmas tree and the presents in their colourful wrappings.

But through the years the true meaning of Christmas has been commercialised to such an extent that the bottom-end earners a can only quietly watch in awe as the top-enders spend their way merrily along to the sound of jingle bells, surrounded by close family and friends.

With the cost of simply coming together as family fast becoming out of reach for many people because of tolls, taxes, and “well-timed” hikes in fuel and food prices that erode any bonuses faster than one can say “Merry Christmas”, people may have to start looking closer to home to acquire new “family”. What about a visit to that lonely old lady next door, in the hospital or in the old age home or the grumpy old gentleman down the road?

What about those people in that house that nobody ever goes near, because the people that live there are poor?

People who find themselves in hospital over Christmas are especially in need of cheering up.

We don’t necessarily have to go to these folks with arms full of gifts, but simply to dish out hugs. Great big hugs just to let these people know they are still part of our society and whatever their shortcomings or situation in life may be, they are loved by God.

Even a pat on the shoulder or a gentle squeeze of the hand may just be the very thing they were longing for.

One of the greatest gifts to mankind is life itself and for those of the Christian faith Christmas is a joyful

reminder that the greatest gift of all was

Jesus Christ who was given to us so that we

may live and love.

Let’s spread the love and caring this


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