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Esate agents fight crime

In the fight against crime the Westville CPF in conjunction with The Westville CPF and SACAN have launched a project to get estate agents involved as a new source of information for the SAPS.

THE Westville CPF in conjunction with the Westville SAPS and SACAN launched an estate agent watch programme on Thursday 8 August. The idea behind the project was to get estate agents involved in neighbourhood watch and crime prevention efforts.

“Estate agents are on the road often. They view houses and take clients to view houses so through the project they can function as extra eyes and ears on the ground, and report suspicious people and activities to the police.

”The estate agents can also report any vacant houses that they come across. These houses are often used by criminals to monitor and strike from,” said Kevin Harvey, chairman of the Westville CPF.

“Vacant houses are becoming a big problem. Criminals store goods in the vacant houses or watch neighbours to get their schedules. Estate agents can report vacant houses to the police so that they can log them and patrol them regularly,” said Lisa Baxter, secretary of the Westville CPF and initiator of the estate agent watch.

Estate agents are a good source to be connected to, as they are not only out travelling within the community, but they communicate with each other, said Baxter.

“If you close down an area it makes it difficult for criminals and they leave the area,” said Baxter.

SACAN will be distributing information to the estate agents free of charge.

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