
Tips to cope with load shedding

Although Eskom has announced a halt on load shedding for the weekend, it never hurts to be prepared

Although Eskom has announced a halt on load shedding for the weekend, it never hurts to be prepared. Prepare a load-shedding kit which should include the following:

A first aid kit

When the power is cut you are more at risk of having an accident. The potential lack of light makes it important that you have first aid items gathered together.

A source of lighting

Candles and matches are a good idea to include, but your first light source should be a battery powered torch. These are safer and do not present the same danger of fire. Consider how many members of the family there are and how many torches you will need. Don’t forget spare batteries.

Things to consider:

Keep your emergency kit accessible.

Remember, you will have to locate it during a power cut, which may mean in the dark. Keeping the kit in the same place always will help your family locate it quickly and without difficulty. It may be a good idea, however, to check the load shedding schedule in your area in order to try to be prepared and have your kit ready for when the electricity is cut.


Make sure that your cellphone’s battery is fully charged at all times. Not only is this a good idea regardless of the circumstances, but when landline telecommunications are interrupted due to power outages, you will need your cellphone to reach the outside world.


Adequate fuel in your vehicle is another precaution, given that pumps at petrol stations cannot be operated during power outages. The same goes for ATMs, therefore some cash stored in a safe place at home is a good idea.

Electric doors and gates

To ensure that you will be able to get into (and out of) you home, release automatic electric garage door mechanisms and switch electric security gates to manual operation. Refrain from opening the refrigerator door during a power outage as this will allow the cold air to escape. By keeping the door closed, a power outage of up to four hours will not cause food to spoil in the fridge, while a freezer should keep frozen food safe for at least a day. It is a good idea to have snacks available that do not need refrigeration.

From a security point of view, ensure that all doors and windows are locked should your alarm system not have a back-up power supply.


If you have a fireplace, make sure that you have adequate wood or charcoal for a fire. If not, invest in a gas heater. Not only will this come in handy during an outage, but gas is far more effective for space heating than electricity.

Food preparation

You will need to think about cooking and the like, as load shedding occurs during the time you would be preparing food for your family a lot of the time. If you are aware of when your electricity will be down, you can make sure you boil enough hot water before it happens and put it in flasks, so that you can at least have your cup of coffee when you need it. A second precaution you could take is to prepare stews, casseroles and curries beforehand and freeze them. This means you can just warm it up on a gas stove or on a gel stove and have food ready for the family. Alternatively, why not use the opportunity for family bonding? A good, old fashioned braai, a picnic on the lounge flour or a Chinese Stir Fry (on a Skottel Scar) could make for a perfect evening with the ones you love. You could include your children in the preparation of your salads or try one of our load shedding recipe ideas to share the experience with them.

Courtesy of Pre and Primary School guide. For more tips, click here.

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