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Brackenhurst Primary spreads Christmas spirit

Brackenhurst Primary School recently arranged a food drive at the school, to have non-perishable food donated towards a community outreach programme.

With the festive season fast approaching, Brackenhurst Primary School got into the Christmas spirit early by arranging a food drive to spread love to less fortunate families in Ekurhuleni.

In exchange for an item of non-perishable food, learners at the school were allowed to wear Christmas-themed civvies towards the food drive. In their quest to spread hope and show generosity to needy families, the school collected at least 1 163 groceries, which were presented to a community outreach programme, Kasie Outreach.

Teacher Melody Toy with Grade 7.3 learners.

These will then be handed over to residents of the Montic informal settlement and Thulasizwe, semi-rural communities of no fewer than 200 families.

Kasie Outreach founder, Simphiwe Malunga, who, through the help of kind sponsors has assisted needy families in Ekurhuleni since December 2018, extended his appreciation.

Families in Kathorus queuing to receive non-perishable food back in 2021 after the school’s donation. Photo: Simphiwe Malunga.

“I’m so grateful to the school, parents, Lenda Muzei and especially teacher Melody Toy for kindly contributing towards this great cause. Their compassion will help feed a multitude of families. It melts my heart to still see people showing such kindness,” he said.

ALSO READ: Brackenhurst Primary spreads love with food donation

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