
School teacher has eyes on my cousin

My cousin is 17 years old and currently at a boarding school in the Free State. I am worried that she might not be able to complete her studies because of a teacher who has set his affections on her.


Although she is reluctant to tell her parents and teachers at her school about what is bothering her, recently she confided in me about the unreasonable demands made on her by the teacher. My feeling is that she is being bullied or she’s being coerced into a relationship with someone who is much older than her.

I have asked my cousin to stand her ground and inform her parents and schoolteachers about the demands made by this teacher on her. But I also think that it is time that the criminal justice system also jumps on the anti-crime bandwagon by naming and shaming teachers who make sexual advances towards learners.


Thokoza Flats



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