BUSY Bee Primary School is in the process of having four brand new classrooms built on its premises.
The school, which is situated on a plot in the Kaalfontein/Bapsfontein area, is being assisted by Edenvale Rotary Club to have four classrooms built, which are almost complete.
The club also managed to bring on board a business to sponsor the building material for the four new classrooms.
“This work is being generously sponsored by the worldwide building materials company, Lafarge, as part of its corporate social responsibility programme. They have hired MND Enterprises, a local building and construction company, to carry out the building work.
Rotary Club Edenvale will then sponsor some of the finishing touches to the building, such as doors and glazing,” a member of the club said.
The school also had considerable help from Edenvale’s Rotary Club during 2014. Using money raised by Edenvale Rotary Club, as well as Sunrise Rotary Club in California, supplemented by a matching grant provided by the Rotary Foundation, the school’s toilet and kitchen facilities were upgraded last year.
Another project currently underway on the school premises is the levelling of an area to create a soccer field and netball court. This work is being carried out by Apollo Bricks, a local company. Rotary Club Edenvale intends to use its project funding for extras such as goalposts, footballs and other essentials for soccer.