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Tips to keep your property free from fire

Consider these helpful tips to keep your home and business safe from fire this winter.

Fire has the potential to wipe out everything in its path in just minutes. It can smoulder undetected for hours and then suddenly explode in fiery destruction.

Consider these helpful tips to keep your home and business safe from fire this winter.

• Install a carbon monoxide fire detector. Having a smoke detector is a safe, effective and unobtrusive way of protecting a home or business against the dangers of fire.It acts as an early warning against a potential fire hazard. The detector will pick up smoke or a smouldering fire, not a naked flame. This is a key preventative measure that people should consider installing. Consider linking your detector to an armed response service. An alarm notification will be sent to the control room when smoke is detected.

• When buying, building or renovating your home or offices, make sure all roofing materials are fire resistant.

• Clean your gutters regularly. Dry leaves and evergreen needles in rain gutters can catch fire easily.

• Trim back any tree limbs that are within close range of your chimney and dead limbs overhanging your home to prevent them from catching fire.

• Do not overload electrical sockets or run electrical cords under carpets. Develop and practice an escape plan plan two ways out of every room.

• Display your local fire department telephone number near the phone, then memorise it.

• If you live near a veld, consider removing any dry branches that hang over your property wall that could catch fire should a veld fire break out. Creating a fire break to prevent sparks and embers from entering your property may also be worthwhile considering.

• Store firewood and other combustibles away from your home, and keep the lids on your dustbins.

• Never re-enter the house to fetch personal belongings should a fire break out. If your clothing catches fire stop, drop and roll.

• Tackle the fire only if it is safe to do so.

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