A partnership caring across communities
“Over the past six months, we have focused our CSI efforts on the vulnerable members of our community – orphaned children, the elderly and those less fortunate."
Silverstar Casino fulfilled its Corporate Social Investment (CSI) responsibilities last year, focusing on various areas of need in the West Rand community. A combination of five facilities received much-needed financial aid, donations, as well as acts of kindness and time. Silverstar staff also generously volunteered their time to these charities.
Over R150 000 was contributed to projects focusing on child welfare, elderly care and feeding programmes.
The Teddy Bear Clinic received a cash donation of R50 000 to support their cause of protecting and caring for abused children.
“Having seen the amazing work done by the clinic for these children, this financial contribution was the least that we could do,” said Shane Collinson, Silverstar’s Director of Operations and Complex General Manager.
Another cash contribution of R60 000 was made to the Baby Moses Child Sanctuary. This organisation houses over 90 children, providing them with the basic needs of shelter and medical attention. The donation received from Silverstar will assist with the medical needs of these children, and make sure their lives are continuously transformed at the sanctuary.
In addition, a cash donation of R4 680 was made to The Kgoro Organisation, to assist with essential medical needs at the old age home. The senior residents of Kgoro required the basic facility of having their blood pressure tested on a regular basis, and this became a reality through the contribution made by Silverstar.
The Mosego Home also works with the elderly, most specifically those who suffer from mental illness. They received R51 300 which was used for bedside tables, which the Mosego Home considers to be of great assistance to all of their patients. Shane went on to say, “This was a great opportunity for Silverstar to assist the elderly members of our community, assisting them with the basic necessities that make their lives a little less strenuous.”
Silverstar also donated much needed food items and blankets to the Deo Gloria soup kitchen. This organisation feeds over 500 people per day, and also prepares and distributes 300 food parcels in neighbouring communities. Deo Gloria received 80 packets of dehydrated food as well as blankets from Silverstar.
“Over the past six months, we have focused our CSI efforts on the vulnerable members of our community – orphaned children, the elderly and those less fortunate. We wanted to address immediate and pressing needs, assisting with whatever we could. Silverstar is helping at a local level, assisting our neighbours who are in need,” concluded Shane.
Read more here
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