Reading the Bible can be a challenge.
Some parts may seem boring, other parts just way beyond you. Very few people actually say it but, yes, reading the Bible from start to finish can be difficult.
In my opinion, reading the Bible in a most beneficial way is reading it bit by bit.
Even then, if you are not careful, you may miss a pearl of a portion. Just a few weeks ago, as I read the book of Philippians, I almost missed a blessing, chapter 4:6 in the living Bible: “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything, tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers”.
The piece that I almost missed is right at the end of the verse.
“Don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.”
Automatically we think about saying thank you for things He has done such as giving us a new car, house, job – these are the things we say thank you for. But this portion says to thank God for His answers. God always answers a prayer. Yes, no or not now. If a parent always says yes, it does not do the child justice.
Sometimes, no is the answer we need.
Jesus did it so beautifully, “Thy will be done”.
Next time you pray, remember to thank God for His answer even if it is no, or not now.
God loves you and He knows yes is not always the best for you.