
Blessed Christmas Krugersdorp

Pastor Gerrit Mes, from the pulpit.

Christmas must fall.

If you don’t enjoy Christmas, if you are tired of the overeating, overspending and overdrinking, this letter is dedicated to you.

What may have been a Christian celebration of Christ’s birth a generation ago, purely has become a commercial, humanistic rallying for the greedy.

Less and less Christmas songs mention the baby Jesus, the wise men, the star or the stable. In fact, some shopping centres feel it could be offensive to have songs that mention Jesus on his birth celebration.

It is time for action from all Christians. Not #Christmasmustfall, but #ChristbackinChristmas.

A season of giving, a season of joy, a time to remember the events of 2 000 years ago. God’s love for the world, Jesus’ birth and life. It is a time for family and friends.

Yes, the solution is not to scrap 25 December, but to get back to the real spirit of the greatest gift of all.

To the staff and readers of the Krugersdorp News, I wish you all a Christ-filled Christmas and an amazing New Year.

PS: An extra special prayer for the elderly and the lonely.

Remember that a smile or an act of kindness may cost you nothing but it can be a priceless gift to someone else.

Blessed Christmas, Krugersdorp.

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