What is debt counselling, and how does it benefit you?
Are you in debt and struggling to find your way out? DebtCare debt counselling has rescued many individuals and families struggling with debt.

Debt statistics in South Africa show that more people are becoming indebted every day. The consequences of being indebted are far reaching. Disposable income for fundamental needs such as groceries, school fees, medical care all but disappear. Banks and other lending institutions are also hesitant to lend to people who are highly indebted. So how bad is the debt situation in South Africa?
- Recent research shows that more than 23.37 million of South Africa’s credit active consumers owe as much as three quarters (75%) of their monthly pay to creditors.
- 60% of the population are struggling to meet their monthly payments for their home loans and credit card payments.
- only 23% of South Africans having any money left at the end of the month.
- 22% of mine workers spend more than 75% of their net salaries on debt installments.
One business institution which has come to the rescue of many individuals and families struggling with debt is DebtCare. Since Debtcare was established in 2008, it has become one of South Africa’s leading debt solution companies. Staff at debtcare are qualified debt counselors with more than 50 years combined experience in debt rehabilitation. To date, more than 3000 people have been assisted. Its unique debt counselling solution has been designed to help consumers who are overwhelmed by debt and who struggle to meet their monthly obligations.
For those whose debt has become unmanageable and overwhelming, getting on the DebtCare debt counselling means that:
- A registered debt counsellor will conduct a free, zero risk, no obligation assessment of your debt to determine how you can be assisted to be debt free in 30 to 60 months.
- The highly trained and experienced debt counsellor will negotiate with credit providers on your behalf for reduced monthly payments and restructuring your debt.
- This process ensures that you get rid of debt repayment stress on payday, stores stop turning you away due to bad debts, creditors stop threatening you with court action and you cannot get blacklisted while undergoing debt counselling with DebtCare.
By seeking assistance from DebtCare, you are assured of dealing with a reputable firm with a credible track record and a team of debt experts who offer debt relief with a fresh and personal approach. Partnerships developed over the years with the National Credit Regulator, The DCM Group and The National Payment Distribution Agency all go a long way in positioning DebtCare as your preferred debt solution provider.