
Driver behaviour still a concern on the N4 Toll Route

With the 2018/19 festive season officially over TRAC is disappointed to report that there was a notable increase in the number of accidents in comparison to the same period last year.

From 7 December 2018 to 8 January 2019, 219 accidents were recorded between Tshwane in Gauteng and Maputo in Mozambique, including 23 fatalities. Although the number of fatalities has decreased from last year, the senseless loss of lives is of grave concern to TRAC.

The accident and fatality breakdown per region of the N4 Toll Route was as follows:

Accidents: 9
Fatalities: 0

Accidents: 59
Fatalities: 9

Accidents: 75
Fatalities: 9

Accidents: 76
Fatalities: 5

Although TRAC and law enforcement agencies and emergency services were on full alert and highly visible on the road throughout the holiday season, high traffic volumes, driver negligence, reckless driving and the vast number of unroadworthy and overloaded vehicles on the road contributed to the increased accident count.

“TRAC is deeply saddened by these statistics and conveys our heartfelt condolences to the families who lost loved ones. We also wish those recuperating from road accidents a speedy recovery.
Furthermore, we want to thank the law enforcement and emergency services’ teams that operated along the route in a bid to keep the road safe. However, despite all of their diligent work, the reality is that road safety is not only the responsibility of these entities. Every road user must shoulder the responsibility of keeping South African and Mozambican roads safe.”



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