
13-year-old injured during shootout

A wanted suspect, aged 39, was fatally shot during a shootout with SAPS Provincial team members from Mpumalanga.

The incident occurred in Malaining, Denilton, on Thursday night, 23 May 2024, just before midnight (around 23h00).

A report indicates that the team members were following intelligence-driven information about a suspect who was sought for a series of heinous crimes, such as armed robberies, committed in various areas including Vosman, Siyabuswa, Tweefontein, Kwamhlanga, and Mmametlake.

In a well-coordinated operation, the astute members cornered the suspect in Denilton after intensive investigative efforts.

Upon sighting the approaching law enforcement officers, the suspect reportedly opened fire, resulting in a tense exchange of gunfire.

Unfortunately, during the confrontation, one officer sustained injuries and was promptly evacuated to a medical facility for urgent treatment.

In response to the imminent threat posed by the armed suspect, the SAPS officers engaged in a defensive maneuver to protect themselves and innocent bystanders.

It was during this time that the suspect was fatally shot during the exchange of gunfire.

A 13-year-old minor somehow sustained injuries, possibly from a stray bullet, and was also taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

Following the conclusion of the operation and ensuring the scene was secure, law enforcement officers conducted a thorough search and recovered a firearm believed to have been used by the suspect in criminal activities.

The recovered weapon will undergo forensic examination to establish any possible involvement in previous crimes.

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) will be investigating the shooting incident.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, has emphasized that the men and women in blue remain committed to ensuring the safety and security of all citizens, especially as the country approaches the 2024 elections.

“We will continue to work tirelessly to apprehend individuals involved in criminal activities. We extend our thoughts and prayers to the injured officer for a speedy recovery and commend the bravery and professionalism displayed by our officers in the face of grave danger. We urge members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly. Together, we can create safer communities for all,” said the General.

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