Rona Singh said she contacted principal Sillas Pillay after parents voiced their concerns that pupils were carrying a heavy load of textbooks. “My son Kyle Govender who is in Grade 4 at the school is petite and struggled with a heavy school bag. I sourced funds to purchase lockers for Grade 4 pupils and some of the money came from my own pocket. The lockers were bought and delivered to the school on 2 April.”
Pillay said, “We are excited about the lockers for the Grade 4 pupils and appreciate the fact that they will make their lives easier. We thank Mrs Singh and every sponsor who put money towards the purchase.
“As a school we acknowledge the concern of particularly Grade 4 parents regarding the heavy school bags and the strain on the pupils’ bodies. Since we have textbooks utilised for every subject and would not want to compromise on quality education, we reached an amicable resolution with parents.”
Pillay said a process had begun to make extra classroom shelving so that textbooks would be sent home with pupils only on a need basis.