
Tips to make cleaning dishes easier and fun

For many of us, the duty of having to clean the dishes is one of the worst chores possible. Here are a few ways to put a positive spin on it.

The feeling is especially one of the most dreadful experiences after you have hosted a group of friends and family to celebrate a special occasion.

According to lifestyle publication, Medium, most people hate washing dishes because doing dishes is not only about doing dishes. Instead, it comes with several added responsibilities which later lead to cleaning the entire kitchen.

The above-mentioned publication adds that these added responsibilities include washing the pots, wiping countertops, cleaning utensils, gathering leftover ingredients and storing them in the refrigerator, cleaning the sink and throwing out the trash.

The fear of having to fulfil all these responsibilities is more than enough reason for people wanting to avoid it at all costs.

Fortunately, there are several ways to transform your outlook on this experience.

Avoid procrastination

Many people who hate doing dishes often find themselves taking longer to do them. This, according to the lifestyle publication Clean House Fast is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

Prolonging the process simply results in the piling up of more dishes, causing the experience to be much worse. The above-mentioned publication recommends that you clean some of the plates while cooking as this would result in you having to wash a much smaller pile after you have eaten.

Distract your mind

Clean House Fast recommends finding a list of things to do to distract your mind from what it is that you are actually doing. One of the ways to achieve this is by listening to a playlist of your favourite songs. Alternatively, you can also listen to a podcast and witness how quickly you will be able to get rid of the dishes.

Create a buddy system

Having a buddy system is one of the best things that you can do to lighten the burden on yourself. To ease the amount of time spent cleaning dishes, it would be ideal for you to find yourself a partner and distribute the roles each does in the kitchen. Lifestyle publication Apartment Therapy explains that the best way to do this is to have one wash dishes while the other dries and packs away.

Also see: The ultimate guide to self-care Sundays

The post Tips on how to make cleaning dishes easier and fun appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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