Baby dumped in Mpumalanga pit toilet: Police hunt for mom

A baby has been saved from a horror death by community members who acted after hearing desperate cries.

Calcutta police are looking for a woman who abandoned a newborn baby boy inside a pit toilet at a church in Ximhungwe, near Bushbuckridge in Mpumalanga, on Sunday morning.

According to the police, members of the public heard the baby cry.

They alerted authorities and proceeded to dig behind the toilet to rescue the child.

The baby’s umbilical cord was still attached.

The child was taken to hospital for treatment, and police opened a case of child neglect.

No arrest has been made.

The incident has been strongly condemned by the management of the SAPS in Mpumalanga.

Members of the public are urged to make use of the services of social workers, faith-based organisations, and other structures.

Members of the public with information on the mother’s whereabouts are urged to call the Crime Stop number 08600 10111, or send information via the MySAPS App.

Any information reported will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

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