Black mamba moves into Durban home

Although cats may seem like a deterrent to some snakes, feral cats may attract black mambas who feed on them.

In a dramatic event on Thursday (May 23), renowned snake-catcher Warren Dick captured a 2.2m-long black mamba in the garden of a Yellowwood Park residence.

Dick had first been alerted to a possible black mamba sighting on May 17 when concerned residents requested his urgent assistance. Due to other commitments, he could not respond immediately. By the time he had arrived, the snake had disappeared.

However, Dick noted the presence of many feral cats, which led him to believe the snake might return.

Snake catchers theorise that Durban’s black mamba population may thrive due to the abundance of feral cats, which can attract these dangerous reptiles by being a food source.

On Thursday at around 11:00, Dick received another call from Yellowwood residents reporting that the mamba had returned and was hiding in their garden. They kept an eye on the snake while he made his way there.

Upon arrival, he was directed to the hiding spot by a vigilant cat. Initially sceptical, Dick investigated and found the mamba tightly coiled behind a roof tile, likely trying to avoid the cat.

Dick carefully moved the tile, and as the snake attempted to flee, he swiftly restrained it with his snake tongs.

He emphasised that while cats may seem like a deterrent to some snakes, they can inadvertently attract larger, more dangerous species like the black mamba who might view them as a food source.

The snake is scheduled for release far from human habitation and feral cats to ensure safety for both the snake and the residents.

For further information or assistance with snake-related issues, Warren Dick can be contacted on 072 211 0353.

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