Call to fund Zululander victim’s repatriation

The Honolulu police department has, released the disturbing bodycam footage of the incident after Lindsay Myeni and others, from South Africa to Hawaii, campaigned for such.

The hashtag #LindaniMyeni gained traction on social media platforms on Friday after the tragic fatal shooting of former Zululander, Lindani Myeni by Hawaii police officers on Wednesday night.

Locals, both family members and loved ones, have rallied to raise the necessary funds to repatriate his body so he can be honoured with a traditional burial.

Remembering Lindani as a gentle giant, all who knew him were grief-stricken after hearing the news, and are grappling to come to terms with not only his death, but the tragic and brutal way in which he was killed.

“He was a gentle, strong, healthy man whose deep love for his family was seconded by a passion for his homeland and Zulu culture,’ said Bello Silitshena who initiated the fundraising campaign on the Go fund me platform.

“A former professional rugby player, Rio Tinto mechanical engineer, former top 25 on South African idols and camp scouts director, Lindani Sanele Myeni had an ever-present smile as big as he was, and belonged to a royal bloodline.”

Although the police tried to justify their actions, condemnation poured in from all quarters including the EFF in KZN who issued a statement strongly condemning the ‘senseless killing’.

The party said the racial element of the killing was infuriating.

The Honolulu police department has, since Friday, released the disturbing bodycam footage of the incident after Lindsay Myeni and others, from South Africa to Hawaii, campaigned for such.

Click here to donate towards the fundraising campaign to bring Lindani’s body home for burial.

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