Centurion family’s home hit by stray bullets after ‘warzone’ erupts outside

A family from Centurion described a shooting outside their home as a warzone, as they laid on the ground to escape bullets.

What started as a relaxing evening for a Centurion family turned into a nightmare after a gunfight in the street outside resulted in a stray bullet hitting their window on Saturday evening.

Quintin Sleeking said he and his wife Chanel were watching television together in their Wierda Park home when they heard gunshots outside at around 21:30.

Details about the actual shooting are unclear at this stage.

“The few shots we heard soon turned into what sounded like a warzone right outside our house.

“My wife and I got down on the ground and I started hearing bullets hitting the walls of our house.”

Sleeking’s young son, Jayden, was in his room at the time the shooting broke out.

“I made my way to his room before grabbing him off the bed to get him to the floor and as far away from the bullets as possible.”

Sleeking said they spent around 15 minutes on the ground before the shooting stopped.

“I am very grateful we were not hurt. It felt like we were in the middle of a warzone.”

According to Sleeking, this was not the first such shooting in Wierda Park.

“This is the fourth or fifth time this has happened since I can remember.

“Last year, a man was killed during a shooting.”

Sleeking said his son has been left severely traumatised by the event and refuses to sleep in his room.

“The incident has really left a mark on him.

“He doesn’t want to sleep in his room any more and sleeps in the bed with my wife and me.”

The incident was reported to the Wierdabrug police and an investigation is underway.

Read original story on rekord.co.za

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