Dog found eating strangled baby in Limpopo

In what can only be described as heartbreaking and horrific, a newborn appears to have been strangled with pantyhose before being dumped at a dam.

Residents of Magangeni village in Limpopo are trying to come to terms with the trauma of seeing a dog eating a newborn baby that appears to have been strangled and dumped at Lemana Dam.

A 29-year-old man says he was walking along a gravel road in Magangeni, along the dam bridge, last Thursday, when he saw a dog near what seemed to be a newborn baby.

Vhembe police spokesman Sergeant Vuledzani Dathi says when police arrived on the scene, they found an infant’s body.

“Both legs had been eaten away, as well as the left arm. The newborn boy had pantyhose tied around his neck.”

Dathi says the body was removed from the scene by a forensic pathologist from Elim Hospital Government Mortuary for a post-mortem.

Police are investigating the case and have not yet identified a suspect.

“We were in shock as this is the first time we’ve witnessed such trauma in the area,” the witness says.

“We are not happy with the mother who dumped her child here. It looks like she gave birth at home because the umbilical cord was still intact,” he adds.

Social Development Department spokesperson Joshua Kwapa urges mothers who cannot care for their children to reach out to social workers.

“If you are struggling, contact social workers who can guide you towards a solution best suited for your children’s needs and safety,” he says.

Anyone with information relating to the case is urged to contact investigating officer Detective Warrant Officer Mmberegeni Jonathan Muthavhine on 082 319 9629.

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